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About us

Harel Insurance Company Ltd. (Harel) is a private company, fully owned by Harel Insurance Investments & Financial Services Ltd. (Harel Group) – one of Israel’s largest public companies, whose shares are traded on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange. Harel contains almost all of the insurance activity that Harel Insurance Investments & Financial Services has acquired over time: Harel, which was established by the Group in 1975, Shiloah (acquired in 1984), the Yardeniya portfolio (1985), Sahar (1989) and Zion (1999). The last stage of this process took place on January 1, 2003, when Sahar-Zion merged with Shiloah, which then changed its name to Harel Insurance Company Ltd. – the name of the company that initiated the Group’s insurance business in 1975. Harel Insurance works closely with the world’s largest reinsurance companies as well as with Lloyd’s. Harel was also chosen as the global partner for multinational corporations such as Allianz, Royal & Sun Alliance, Ace and Chubb, and insures the Israeli branches of several large, international companies operating in Israel.
With a fine reputation and experience of over 80 years, Harel provides comprehensive insurance solutions to hundreds of thousands of policyholders in all areas: general insurance, life insurance and long-term savings (provident and pension funds), health insurance, travel insurance, homeowners’ insurance, business insurance and motor insurance.
The Harel Group’s strength, firm economic backbone, highly qualified staff and the personal service it provides enable it to offer you peace of mind and the secure knowledge that your money and future are in the most reliable and professional hands.

Yedidim is an organization fully owned by Harel that was formed by the merger of two insurance agencies, Harel-Gonen and Harel-Yedidim. The new company that resulted from the merger was named Yedidim Insurance Agency.
Consequent to the merger, Yedidim became one of Israel’s leading organizations for pension arrangements and insurance. The Yedidim staff includes some 100 agents, portfolio managers and administrators. The physical proximity of the Yedidim office to the Harel headquarters further facilitates access to a wide range of high-standard services.
Yedidim focuses its activities on the field of pension and provident funds, life insurance, health insurance, elementary insurance, and insurance for visiting scholars and students through its Harel-Yedidim Division for Visitors and Students

As a division of Yedidim, Harel-Yedidim provides advice and health insurance to the majority of academic institutions and HighTec companies in Israel, as well as insurance plans for participants in a broad range of summer programs, family programs and tours of Israel. We issue approximately 40,000 policies annually.
We work together with the different institutions and organizations to design insurance plans based on analysis of the characteristics of their respective participants as well as their geographical location.