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Medical insurance for tourists and returning residents of israel

Health Insurance for students

Welcome to Israel


Medical Insurance Coverage for Tourists and Returning Residents of Israel

It is recommended that tourists to Israel and returning residents purchase health insurance to cover medical expenses in Israel, including hospitalization as well as  medical care outside of hospitals. The major advantage of these plans is the access provided to the diverse medical services offered in Israel, without additional charge. Travel insurance policies purchased in your country of origin require the policyholder to pay for medical services in Israel and then request a reimbursement, which may not cover the entire expense. In comparison, our policies offer you peace of mind, from the time you land in Israel until you return home.


Those insured with us enjoy a health service network located throughout the country, on two options including:  doctors, laboratories'  facilities, pharmacies and more. 

Harel Insurance Company’s medical services are based on three options:


Maccabi : A healthcare system through Maccabi Health Care . Maccabi runs a network of
clinics located throughout Israel, from Metulla to Eilat. All Maccabi clinics offer the Insured
the services of nurses, family physicians, pharmacies and laboratories. The Insured may use
the Maccabi Health Care services by presenting a membership number and an ID (as
passport). No need to present a membership card at he time of the service.

Clalit : A healthcare system through Clalit Health Services. Clalit runs a network of clinics
located throughout Israel, from Metulla to Eilat. All Clalit clinics offer the Insured the
services of nurses, family physicians, pharmacies and laboratories. The Insured may use the
Clalit health services by presenting a membership card at the time of the service.

Harel Private Services: A private healthcare system, which offers the Insured a choice of
healthcare service providers from a list of contracted physicians, at a high level of
availability. Harel is Israel's leading insurer for tourists and the only company that offers the
option of private health services. Harel pays the service providers directly, so the Insured
does not bear any expenses. There is no co-pay on Yedidim policies.


Rider for extra charge:

The insurance plan also  provides coverage for medical flight from Israel to your home country (with or without an accompanying physician).


Former residents of Israel who are visiting or returning to Israel may also purchase the policy described above and benefit from the 24-hour medical service provided to all our policy holders.

To join the health insurance :


  • Please see here the premiums and the summary of coverage of the policy.

  • To join the insurance through an online application form please send to email address the following details:

    • First Name

    • Last Name

    • Passport number

    • Cellphone number

    • Email address


For the detailed terms of the policy, click here.

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